Fair Dinkum, Mate!

Fair dinkum, mate! An Aussie expression marking the beginning of me new world. A journey of self discovery in the far away land down under - the land of the kangaroos and wallabies.

The Aussie taught me the spirit of "fair dinkum" - a sincere expression of fair play where only the truth matters. No matter who we were or what our background was, we must remain true to ourselves and to the people around us. We must play fair and promote only the true and genuine things in life.

This has been a guiding principle in me life ever since. It has become more relevant now in an age where the sense of fair play and the love of truth are all but gone. ..

Me realized then, while still searching for me identity, we cannot choose where and how we were born. We cannot choose what God in His wisdom has given us. Denying the fact was a sure sign of not being grateful on what God has bestowed upon us. God in His own way is fair dinkum!

In those days when the clouds were still hanging over me head, and in me desperation, me used to conclude that me neither a Malay nor a Chinese but a Muslim-where Islam as a religion has managed to dismantle the barrier of race. But still it did not erase the fact that me still a "mutt". Denying the fact that being a "mutt" like me was fated and was the will of God could make matters worst. Knowing the fact and accepting it was the easier thing to do and most crucial part in helping "mutts" like me to move on with life. Even though for me this did not happened for quite a number of years yet until me big bro "broke" the news of me Ma's origin.

Me is grateful to me Ma and Pa for bringing me into this world. Without them, there can never be me - a "mutt". Rather than fretting about our origin, or gloating on the superiority of our own race, we could better use our energy and talents in promoting racial harmony in the true sense of the word for the betterment of our people and environment just as me Aussie friends would vouch by saying "fair dinkum, mate!"


syauqi_x said...

"God in His own way is fair dinkum!"

hehe, I like that...will remember it for the rest of my life!

people who make a lot of noise about ketuanan this and ketuanan that don't realize that before God, everyone is equal...

Nabi cakap dah, Allah cakap dah, tapi masih lagi ketuanan kaum..

what's with the inferiority complex anyway?

alam_kacukan said...

Great to note u like that "ayat" so much! It came out of the blue, me guess it is a complement when people start to "cut&paste" yr blog - copying is the best form of compliments, me was told..

Nothing really about the inferiority complex, it was a norm a "mutt" like me to feel when surrounded by a lot of uncertainty during those good old days, a read on the "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen (1844)may give ya what me meant...see entry Me, Ma & Pa..

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