In Loving memory of Me Faiz

His was the story of a classic case of a blooming life being cut short by a tragic incident 
which caught everyone by surprise. Nobody would have expected that to happen to 
someone like him. He was in the prime of his life when everything seems to go his way 
when he was suddenly called home to have an audience with his Creator.
It was a great shock when me first got the news of his sudden demise from me son Nazmie. 
Me was so taken aback and was greatly saddened by the circumstances that me remained 
speechless for a long time while flashes of him kept coming back flooding me memory with 
instant replays of him growing up, from a few months old bouncing baby boy (which me was 
given the honor to do "tahnik" on him by his late Wan), into a fine young man and later being 
married to a lovely wife. Due to his closeness from young, me had always thought of him as 
me own son.
During his growing up years, he had been sort of me favorite nephew too, he was a bit
different from the rest due to his easy going and witty nature, especially when he was horsing 
around and making jokes with those around him, be them his uncles and aunties or whomever he met. 
Many a times when he just started working, he had called to meet or seek me opinions or 
advices on certain matters related to his work, hobbies or his planning for the future. And at times, 
me noticed he was so full of enthusiasm and brimming with ideas that me never got tired of 
entertaining him whenever he turned up. 
One thing for sure, he was one that never become easily satisfied with what he has achieved 
and he would always portray that gung-ho - "fighting to the last" spirit, which is so much lacking 
in many of us, by wanting to improve himself and change his circumstances for the better and 
by not being afraid of taking chances and its risks in order to develop his professional skills - 
becoming one of the very few people in the country who had mastered the art of "ROV Driving" 
It was really very unexpected and so sudden, for when me last saw him a week earlier at the 
wedding of me brother's daughter, he was his usual jovial self, joking and bantering around 
with his cousins and many other close relatives attending the wedding, who were equally left 
shocked and reeling with sadness over the suddenness of his parting.
And poignantly so, as God has dictated, exactly a week later, he was no more amongst us,
leaving many that had had the chance to experience his "magical touch" in a state of utter shock 
and disbelieve. Such is life, so fragile and temporary that we tend to forget it could have 
happened to any of us, normally without any warning - when our number is up!
When me wrote this post, me was on board a flight to KLIA after a 2 day whirlwind tour to 
Japan on some biz matters. Me didn't know why during these past few days, especially on me
way to and back from Japan, the memory of him kept popping up inside me mind. The least me 
and the readers could do is to say Al-Fatiha for him and pray to Allah that his soul is in peace 
with the other dear departed souls and being also blessed by Allah...
Reminiscing over his short and tragic life, me realized that me Faiz was one of the very few from 
our "Jimat Clan" that has managed to break free from the "shackles of complacency" by venturing 
into an unknown territory and benefiting greatly from his adventures. 
For him, God has opened up the floodgate of "rezeki" in such a manner that what we normal 
mortals would take great many years to achieve, he could do it within a very short period of 
time. Such is God's Wisdom, however, there will always be a trade off with one kind or the 
other in this life, just like the two sides of a coin - we can never have both sides at the same time - 
we have to make the choice that would eventually be "packaged" together to become our own 
destiny in this life - as written in His Book. 
For me Faiz, at least he did get to enjoy and experience life in the "fast lane",  although for a very 
brief period only, in which mortals like us could only dream of doing such things. Maybe God in 
His infinite Mercy and Wisdom would like me Faiz to experience some of the thrills associated 
with the "richness of life" in a short span of time for He knew he will soon leave us with a legacy 
only the "rare breed" people like him could achieve for others to learn from.
For us who still breath the God given air, me can only conclude on one thing that we could learn 
from this saga of tragedy i.e. we are all living a temporary life, under loan from God, as the Owner, 
He could do anything He pleases with us or our loved ones, at any time, at any place. Knowing 
this fact, we should all be grateful and thankful to Allah for His infinite blessings and for what 
He has bestowed upon us, even though we always thought others got a much more better deal 
than us! Always be prepared before our time is up by being istiqomah in our “Amalan Soleh” even 
if little and seek Allah’s  protection whenever we travel on this earth.
Al-Fatiha to me dear beloved Faiz, you know you didn't die in vain as we could all learn something 
from you that could increase further our awareness and how we should submit to our Creator – with 
respect and supplications. 
May you find peace, blessings and happiness in the hereafter, in the company of Allah and all other 
blessed souls who have earlier "crossed the line". For sure we will also follow you to cross that line 
soon enough, inshaaAllah...,aameen.
...."And enough is Death as a lesson to us all"....Sayidina Ali R.A.


A Brief Stopover in Tokyo (Part 1)

Me JAL's flight JL724 landed at the Narita airport on 11.10.2012 at exactly 6:35 am local time after a six hours journey from KLIA. 

Arriving at the Narita airport on a cool October morning, on me way for a biz meeting in Nagoya, has brought back countless memories and many lingering images of Japan, as the land of the rising sun and its people which had been in me all these while since me first trip here back in 1992. 

Back then during me first trip to Japan, me assignment was to look into the concept of "intelligent buildings" as part of the preliminary conceptual design for the KLCC project, together with me other team members including me then Manager and a representative from the President's office, who coincidently moved on to become me former company's current President/CEO! 

While putting in me thoughts on this post at the waiting lounge of the airport and onboard the connecting flight to Nagoya, me still vividly remember that first trip exactly 20 years ago today, as it was marked by a few unforgettable incidents which had formed an everlasting impression on Japan, its people and their "technology crazed" culture. These experiences had actually been very helpful during me many later sojourns when dealing directly with me Japanese biz partners. 

The first unforgettable or rather "silly" incident during that first trip was when me found meself locked-out at Taipeh airport during a transit on me way to Tokyo. Me was trying to find a place to pray at the airport when me found a door leading to a staircase which was a bit secluded. Without much thinking me opened the door and started praying. While trying to open the door afterwards, me found meself locked-out at the staircase area as the door was actually a one way fire escape door for emergency use only! As the time for boarding was approaching fast, me was stricken with panic and couldn't think of what to do next. 

Somehow, out of desperation, me banged on the door and after a few anxious moments, lo and behold the door was opened by a rather bewildered lady cleaner!! Without wasting too much time and even thanking the obviously puzzled and bemused lady, me bolted out of the staircase door, as if being chased by a ghost, dashing and panting to the departure hall in time to catch me next flight to Tokyo. Phew! that must have been the most "scary" thing a first time traveler like meself could face – being left in the lurch as your plane left without you and you getting stuck in the middle of nowhere! Even now me still relish at relating this incident to the amusement of me colleagues! 

Come to think of the incident which happened some 20 years ago, while it can still make me laugh at me carelessness, it also taught an important lesson for us Muslims as a whole. As travelers, we must be prepared with the necessary knowledge of how to carry out our religious duties while on the move. Our religion has made it easier when we travel and we should not shy away from making a statement of our faith openly and not hiding behind some secluded places like what me did! 

On board the plane safe and sound, me started chatting with the person sitting next to me seat. He was coincidently on his way back to Tokyo after a short holidays in his hometown Melaka. He also happened to be the owner of a Malaysian restaurant operating in Tokyo! As the flight was approaching our destination, he invited me for a meal at his restaurant on the following day. Without hesitation me agreed to the invitation and the chance of savoring some Malay dishes in Tokyo! As the age of mobile phones had not arrived yet back in the early 90's, he told me to wait for him at the Shibuya train station near a dog statue - apparently a popular meeting place at the station. 

On the following day, although me was very new to Tokyo, me somehow managed to get meself to the Shibuya Station and promptly found a dog statue where me waited as instructed. But that wait was to turn out to be “the longest wait of me life” as the man didn't turn up even after me waited anxiously for several more hours! 

To cut the long story short, finally he did turn up and was surprised to see me waiting at the wrong dog's statue! Without me knowing, there was another dog's statue at the station’s main entrance where all the while, he had waited for me while wondering what had happened to me! Later me found out the dog statue at the main entrance turned out to be that famous Hachiko dog statue!..... 

Those were the days gone by without the mobile phones as our companion. Back then, we simply didn't have the freedom that we take for granted nowadays with the advent of the mobile age with almost everybody becoming “addicted” to the wireless world. Since its use became prevalent towards the late 90's, it has changed our life style forever making "markers" like the dog statue “obsolete” when you can just use your mobiles to instantly check on each other status or whereabouts! 

Indeed, after more than 20 years of “observing the Japanese phenomenon”, the coming of the mobile age has by far managed to transform the already technology crazy Japanese society into one of the most prolific users of wireless devices... 

End of Part 1.