Ahlan Wasahlan Ya Ramadan

Praise be to Allah, who has given us the opportunity to be in this blessed month of Ramadan which is now entering its 3rd day. Hopefully we will be able to complete the days to come with ease and "happenings" until the end of this Ramadan fasting month.

Remembering that this is the month full of forgiveness and blessings, it is best to double up our efforts for doing good to ourselves as well to others and to be always virtuous in our ways.

Ahlan wasahlan ya Ramadan, greetings be to you ya Ramadan, you have come knocking and you are most welcome to guide and train us. We are full of gladness and gratitude to Allah swt for presenting us with this beautiful and blessed month of Ramadan.

Happy Ramadan al-Mubarak....

Ramadan Ya Ramadan

Me think many of us would have realized that Ramadan Karim, the blessed month of Ramadan is the only month in the Muslim Hijri calender which is known the world over as a fasting month for Muslims. Just ask our non-Muslim friends,they will surely answer that the month of Ramadan is very special and to be treated with respect as during the whole of that month, their Muslim friends the world over would become as "angles" during the day as they are required by their faith to refrain from eating or drinking, to be decorous in their conducts and to abstain from all forms of sexual indulgences from dawn to dusk.

For us Muslims, the arrival of Ramadan is always full of great excitement in anticipation of the abundance of forgiveness and blessings to be "dispensed" by the Almighty Creator. None like in any other months, a special period indeed for forgiveness and thanksgiving from the Lord Most High - for those willing to partake and immersed themselves, in the "Festivities of Ibadah" every second of their 24 hour day, throughout the blessed month. It is a once a year affair which should not be missed at all costs by any good Muslims.

The month is so full of "goodies" from God that no right thinking Muslims could ever afford to ignore it. Or be those of the "losers" by letting the month passes by without ever trying to fast and conduct their daily activities in decorum in the hope that it will reverberate for the rest of the year when they "graduated" following the end of the "training" period until we are called for a "refresher course" when come the next Ramadan - God willing.

As for meself, me see Ramadan as a month full of opportunities to purify and redeem me "wondering soul" in me quest for forgiveness and blessings. It is part and parcel of an ongoing journey in me seeking Allah's salvation and hopefully in the process be granted to be closer and know Him better and God willing, attain a higher spiritual plane through the act of fasting as ordained.

Ramadan Ya Ramadan, me pray that this time around me will be fully prepared to seize this golden opportunity presented before meself and us all, to fast and to do good to the fullest possible, to fast and to give more charities to the poor, the needy and the orphans, to fast and to befriend with the holy Quran and above all, to fast and to be amongst those showered with the "Jewel of Ramadan" - the "Lailatul Qadr", a blessed night without a doubt, whereby in it, a night filled with supplications is equivalent to one thousand months of prayers in rewards and barakah.

Ramadan Ya Ramadan, make this coming Ramadan, me best ever yet Ramadan....to be full of forgiveness, blessings and makfirah from Allah swt....and please allow me to be with you again when come the next Ramadan....God willing...Ameen.

28 Sha'ban 1430 AH.

The Ramen Girl

Me was watching this movie the other day regarding an American woman who was stranded in Tokyo after breaking up with her boyfriend. Searching for direction in life, she ended up being trained as a ramen noodle chef out of curiosity initially, but in the end found real purpose in her life.....

Watching the movie, me was awe struck by how a simple plot could contain so much messages that would unraveled a lot of our present day problems or dilemmas if only we can follow what our hearts are telling us to do.

As portrayed in the movie, a lot of us are doing things without even thinking what we are supposed to be doing with our lives. Whilst many of us are lucky enough to be doing the things we like best, a lot more out there could not find the perfect match that could "fit" them. In the end a lot ended up "stuck" in a limbo, being miserable doing things without any real purpose and not being "spiritually immersed" in doing what they are doing.

The Ramen Girl had shown that if we really want to be good and the best in our chosen vocation, we must firstly follow our heart and then get totally "immersed" in our choice until only the best comes out of us. But as always, the roads to great success are often bumpy and full of trepidations, not many will have the audacity to traverse except the bold and the "crazy", who can smell the sweet smell of success from many miles away.....

A short preview of the movie for us to ponder......

Me Wish for Amie

Me Dear Amie,

We have discussed this over breakfast a few months ago, if you still remember, on what me hope you will be doing one day. The task at hand is no small matter for a fighter (a "Jundu"!) like you - only that in this case, your weapon of choice is not the sword but the mighty Pen or your Blog!!.

Me have seen your growing up years from when you were just a small and utterly helpless baby to a fine and pleasing young man you are nowadays. In all those years, me could not but noticed that you have this special gift - a knack to write and tell stories about things, either from your own imaginations or fantasies or recollected from yours or others real life experiences, told in a style that is too pertinently all your own.

Thus, me have this uncanny feeling that one day you will no doubt become a prolific writer and me hope that you will use your special talent to enlighten our people and the society at large through your writings. And to become a writer with a specific mission - to be the instrument or tool for others to share and to understand the simple truth about life as portrayed by our belief as Muslims, together, put in a plain and simple language that any layman can understand your lucid style.

Me Amie, do remember, everyone loves stories, that is why your flair as a story teller will go a long way to assist you to accomplish your extraordinary mission. A plot with a good story will be more "palatable" and effective as a conduit for your messages if it is dexterously penned down and blended exquisitely with the plot. But me is neither a professor nor a writer and in no way qualified to give you any further guidance, so the style you are to develop would entirely be yours to espouse and your audience to judge.

Me hope you will one day, through your training as an engineer and as a lifelong religious student, be able to communicate and simplify the many complex modern world problems into easy bits that we can all digest and understand in order to bring us closer to God. Me can foresee that the challenges to come in your times would be more myriad and maybe more "out of this world" in nature altogether, so me truly wish that you will be very well prepared and equipped in order to be able to decipher the many hidden messages in the many things happening around us and conveyed them adroitly in your works so that people will learn lessons from them and not going astray. And ideally, everybody will live in this world happily ever after blessed by God - after reading through your epic stories.

Go and reach for the stars me Amie...Me prayers and doas are all for you to succeed in this world and the hereafter....May Allah be always with you all the way.........
