Which of Allah's Favor's will you deny?

Which of Allah's Favors will you deny?:

You ask Him to show you if He loves you....

You get up in the morning and open your beautiful eyes to see the sun rising high in the glorious, blue sky. You walk with your limbs and have a refreshing shower with clean, plentiful of water. You eat tasty b'fast with amazing fruit juices and hot drinks. Then you go to school/work to learn or earn more rizq from His treasures. You chat with your friends and email/watsapp your siblings/loved ones....

In the evening, you take a walk in the breeze, play with your children or cook to feed your blessed family. As the night draws near, you close the doors to protect your cozy house which is a shelter from extremities of weather and diseases. You kiss your children/siblings/spouse good night and just as you are about to fall asleep on your nice, comfy bed you think...

"I asked Him yesterday to show me if He loved me. He never answered me all day today! Oh well... what was I expecting anyway... of course He doesn't care."...

Alas for mankind! Indeed it is not the eyes but the hearts in the chests that turn blind...

In this, there are many lessons for those who ponder....

Which of Allah's Favors will you deny? - Via Faridah M. Rahman.