Me & Ma

Ma was an adopted daughter to a Malay family. Back then, Chinese parents were poor and most looking forward to have boys rather than girls. Ma was "given" away from very young, over the years, she grew up a "Malay" and was married to a Malay - me Pa.

Ma was unlettered but knew how to read figures. Ma has a resolve made of steel. Never to go against her wishes if u were me. Ma's resoluteness was most profound. It has made Ma a beacon of hope for her children especially during trying times when everyone has long given up hope.

Despite her very rudimentary education, Ma had managed to turn us all into "people"- being successful in our own ways. In me, Ma has imbued a deep sense of commitment and responsibility to protect and to love those me loved most.

Me recollections of Ma during me formative years were very sketchy. All that could be remembered was Ma a very hard working mom - both inside and outside of the house. Never the one to give up easily, she would even do a man's job if that was what needed to feed her children.

Ma never tires bringing up all the nine of us siblings - may Allah has mercy and blessed her soul - al-Fatiha..ameen.


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