Me "Malay Chauvinist Pig"

Me used to be one of them "MCPs". The Malay in me may have shifted a gear too fast so as to be too exclusive in looking at things - mainly just from the perspective of one's own race. Reflecting back, the motivation then was to further the Malay agenda as a disadvantaged lot, as the master in one's own land. The rest of the population can either take a back seat if they want to or strive for their own survival.

We Malays (although a "mutt", me officially a Malay, remember?) were then backwards in so many ways - almost in every aspects of life including our main domain of being the followers of Islam - a complete way of life with all the recipes on how to live on this earth and in the hereafter.

Things were not looking too good then for the Malays, even though politically matured and strong, the Malays were still traditionally steeped in their agricultural and feudal outlook. Falling far behind in their economic well being as well educational excellence. It was further exacerbated by the desire from the power of the day to be seen as the champion of the Malays with policies favoring the "son of soil" (SOS) being made the top priority in the nation's building agenda - so much so the Malays were literally spoon fed to be the enterpreneur par excllence in trying to narrow the economic divide!

But after years of experimenting and implementing the SOS policy, where do we stand in term of furthering the agenda of the Malay race? the answer is simply - not even close to when it first started!

No doubt, the SOS policy has created millions of new Malay middle class, owners of houses with two or more cars per household but the sad reality remained - they now becoming "hooked" to more spoon feeding then before!

Maybe outwardly, they are now living very comfortable life, internally they have not changed that much - the Malays had remained as they are - doing what they like best - working for others.


syauqi_x said...

Excellent entry abah!

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