The time has come for you to grow up as you cannot always be me little baby. The time has come for you to equip yourself with the "tools" necessary to live through this life - no matter where that tools could be found.

Bye! Bye! me Adek, it is OK, me can now accept your temporary sojourn in the far away land of the prophets and the pharaohs. It is now your duty to learn as much as possible about your chosen vocation and most importantly enrich yourself from the "sights and sounds" of the land to learn about life itself.
Your new surroundings will hopefully provide the stimulus to embark on exciting adventures where not many of your contemporaries got the chance to experience.
Consider yourself as lucky and the "Chosen One" - a torch bearer, who will not only be enlightening yourself but will also be enlightening others that you now left behind...
May your dreams be fulfilled and may your time is spent wisely and brought you closer to your Creator...Ameen.
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