Me Sure Bet @ Catching Lailatul Qadr

Sadly the blessed month of Ramadan this year is moving fast towards its end. As always, most of us are looking forward to this last portion of Ramadan in the hope of "catching" that blessed night of Lailatul Qadr - where a night of supplication is rewarded with a thousand nights of doing good deeds. Surely this is indeed a "short cut" to Jannah or Paradise for those not wanting to miss the opportunity by doing extra good deeds and seeking lots of forgiveness from Allah (swt) in that one blessed night - where nobody really knows when it actually will happen within that month of Ramadan.

For the seasoned Lailatul Qadr "hunters", basing on the tradition of the blessed Prophet (pbuh), their "prey" could be in any one of the nights of Ramadan by putting strong emphasis on the last 10 nights and focusing on the "odd" nights as compared to others in order to "catch" that elusive night.

For those not wanting to miss this opportunity given only once a year, me would recommend to adopt an "Istiqamah Strategy" whereby we have to be consistent and persistent in our ibadah and focus on doing that extra good deeds and seeking forgiveness much earlier even from the start of Ramadan and making sure not to miss even a single night of supplication...surely this would be a sound formula to adopt and a sure bet at "catching" that Lailatul Qadr!

May Allah blesses us all in our journey to "catch" the Lailatul Qadr, do continue to perform our good deeds in an istiqamah way even though we could have missed that blessed night this time around - happy hunting!

Kuala Lumpur
27 Ramadan 1431H


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