Aku hampir kene scam!:

Sekembali dri masjid seusai Isyak semlm, pabila bukak fb ada friend request dri seorg Prof dri US yg mmg aku minati...

Dek terasa teruja amat kerna mendpt friend request dri Prof Dr Igrid Mattson (seorg convert), aku terus "confirm"!

X berapa lama selepas itu aku mendpt pm seperti di bawoh dlm inbox ku...

"As i was in a meditation Allah came to me and showed me that your blessing is around, that he wants to bless you

there are three things you have to do before you can witness this blessings in your life.

one, you have to be obedient to Allah for what he is about to do for you.

secondly, you have to go into a three days fasting prayer.

listen carefully to what Allah says and it will do you lot of good if you carry it out with all diligence.

i see Allah doing a surprising thing for you and something bigger than you expectation is coming your way after this

Allah wants you to make a sadaqah to a Mosque in Africa that is in need of mat for their mosque.....a cost is $10, how many
can you give?

Allah wants you to make this sadaqah to a mosque in Nigeria and he wants you to give 50 mat to this mosque.

you can send the money to them, 50 mat will be 500 dollars

Are you ready to send them the money now ?

Send your donation to the Imam via money gram or western union with this details below;

Name: Kingsley Osaigbovo
Country: Nigeria
Text Question: Allah?
Text Answer : Allah.

May Allah bless you. Send me the details after you have made the sadaqah so i can contact him with it.."

Allah ya Allah, setelah bersetuju nk Western Union kan sadaqah itu Isnin depan aku telah terbaca posting dri fb Dr Ingrid yg sebonar ttng ada impostor yg sedang mengguna fb palsu mereka tok solicit sadaqah! - innalillah.


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