This short entry is meant to put to an end the “troubling” thoughts that me had had on the real meaning of “freedom”, which has just refused to leave me conscience these past couple of weeks.
It had started on a more mundane note when me was watching the antics of me son’s pet cats named Nini and Abu. Due to space and allergy constraints at home, Nini the mother cat and Abu the son cat, were mostly kept in a cage in front of the house. However, once in a while, mostly while nobody was at home, me took the opportunity to set them “free” albeit only inside the house!
The awesome thing that struck meself when seeing the two “freed” cats were the sense of elation which emanate after being released from their caged environment. Maybe sensing that their moment of freedom would always be short lived, they would immediately, with gusto, swung into action by making full use of their “freed time” horsing and frolicking together around the house. Strangely enough, me noticed this kind of “gusto behavior” was almost non existence with those cats being kept outside the cage having total freedom and all the time in the world – spent mostly snoring!
Seeing is believing, if we human are also kept in a cage or kept behind bars for too long a period, we would no doubt tend to value our moments of freedom more just like Nini and Abu the cats. But for those of us who are taking their God given freedom for granted - without realizing that it could always be “snatched” away from us at any moment, we would invariably failed to grasp its true meaning…maybe not until when it has been taken away from us for whatever the reasons…..

As for Nini and Abu, they can always look forward to enjoy plenty more “moments of freedom” in the future....when the allergic occupants are away working in the office!!
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