These past few days me had been deeply troubled by the news of an untimely demised of two individuals - although not directly related but they were very close family members of me office colleagues. One was a mother in-law and the other was an elder sister cum motivational consultant who died within a few days of each other due to tragic circumstances - an accident and an illness. Both the deceased were two individuals having different backgrounds but shared the common fate of a tragic and untimely death...
And this morning, over the radio, me was sort of relieved and consoled by an Ustaz who were giving his usual morning motivation talk that aptly gave a fresher perspective on what me been troubled with for these past few days. In short he said, it is not how long we live but what matter most is what have we done with our lives and the impact it give to those around us in the time given by God for us all to live on this earth...
May the souls of those departed rest in peace and in the good care and blessings of Allah swt...
Genset 20 KVA: Sumber Daya Listrik Tangguh untuk Berbagai Kebutuhan
Listrik adalah salah satu kebutuhan pokok dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
kita. Hampir semua aspek kehidupan modern bergantung pada pasokan listrik
yang and...
1 year ago
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