Yesterday was the engagement day for me Along. It was supposed to start at 2:30pm at his fiance's house in TTDI, Kuala Lumpur about half an hour's drive from me home. But when me reached at the mosque where our engagement party was supposed to regroup, it started to rain very heavily and we have to wait for the downpour to stop before proceeding to our destination.
While waiting for the weather to ease itself, me had the opportunity to "explore" the mosque's toilet and was pleasantly surprised to notice the conditions of the toilets as one of the cleanest and well kept mosque's toilet that me have ever seen! This is a far cry from me other mosque's toilet experience sometime back in Kuala Pilah.
Although it was quite an old mosque, it looked like it has been well kept and meticulously maintained. Me noticed also the place is a hive of activities with a sort of kiosk being set up within the mosque compound to cater for the economic needs of the Qaryah (community within the mosque's jurisdiction) - indicating to a great efforts being put up to realize the true function of mosques.
This may have to do with the mosque being located in what used to be one of the elite areas of Kuala Lumpur. Me even noticed, the current mosque's AJK (Committee Member) is headed by a certain Tan Sri Datuk...
Coincidentally, during a conversation with one of me Along fiance's uncles, after the engagement ceremony ended, me happened to mention about a few of me cousins also staying in the same locality but unfortunately me couldn't recall where exactly as the last time me went to their place was to attend their mother's funeral, even then, me still remember, it was all done at the "mosque with the cleanest toilets".
Upon hearing that, the uncle spontaneously made this rather very interesting remark about the all-encompassing role played by his mosque in TTDI, in which me feel mosques everywhere should all try to earnestly emulate, when he candidly said, "Over here, you don't have to do anything at all as all have been taken care of by the mosque, if any of you got into any difficulty or emergency situation such as death in the family or accidents or anything, 'you only need to cry' as the rest is being taken care of by the benevolence of our mosque!"
Genset 20 KVA: Sumber Daya Listrik Tangguh untuk Berbagai Kebutuhan
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1 year ago