After visitng the popular tourist spots in and around Cairo such as the Giza Pyramids and Alexandria City, me performed the Umrah (small Hajj) after a brief stopover in Medina al Munawarah.
Me "Conquering" the Giza Pyramid
What's so special about this Umrah trip was the "sacrifice" that me had to make by shaving me head bald after performing the Umrah following the traditions of the beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
Externally, the act itself did not represent much meaning to the naked eyes - except the funny feeling of looking at meself being bald!!. But looking from me mind's eyes, the act itself was a defining moment for meself as me declared victory against the "internal voices" which had urged against me doing it for the sake of me worldly interests and desires.
The simple act of shaving away all the hairs symbolizes an act of obedience and cleansing of the soul by "throwing" away all the bad and negative elements within us. This would hopefully make us less arrogant and be more humble and ever willing to "sacrifice" more of the pleasures in life not only for oneself but also for others in exchange for a greater spiritual experiences.
Was it worth making the sacrifice? The answer is a resounding "Yes"! as not only me won a victory against the forces of evil within meself but also me experiencing the great feeling of having a new crop of fresh hairs growing on me head by the day along the way:)...
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