Yesterday me was about to go to Penang when during lunch, me sensed something was amiss with one of me teeth. The thought of having a toothache when you are outstation can be very distressing indeed. So me decided to check it out with me dentist with the intention for a "quick fix" before me can continue with me trip to Penang.
Alas! lo and behold, the quick fix treatment me was hoping for turned out to be a 3 hour long operations on a dentist chair! Resulting in me missing the trip to Penang and coming back home with four stitches in me sore mouth and one missing tooth too badly decayed to be salvaged - and not to mention a big hole in me wallet!
The thing that sparked the thought of this entry is the way how me dentist handled the whole episode in a very calm and very professional manner-being in complete control of the situation and at the same time calming me with soothing words so as not to make me panicky and more miserable then me already was!. Which to me if all the dentists in this world are to be like him then maybe the whole world would be free from that age old fear of visiting the dentist!.
When he couldnt pull the whole tooth out me knew that something was going to be terribly wrong. True enough, the root of me tooth got "stuck" in me jaw bone and refused to dislodge itself when pulled. Instead, the crown which was already very brittle, came out in bits and pieces. The quick thinking doctor immediately organize a small surgery to cut open me gum and cut away the surrounding bone before he could retrieve the stuck root sideways. In all it took him nearly 3 hours to complete the procedures with several of his assistants taking turn to assist him.
Me was just plain tired from the whole experience but was very relieved that it was finally all over-at least for now before me next follow up visit!
Me have to thank me dentist for a job well done. A big salute to you Dr Arasu! Me love you for being the coolest dentist on this planet!
Hopefully me Ruzanna, if you read this, will follow in his footsteps...
Genset 20 KVA: Sumber Daya Listrik Tangguh untuk Berbagai Kebutuhan
Listrik adalah salah satu kebutuhan pokok dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
kita. Hampir semua aspek kehidupan modern bergantung pada pasokan listrik
yang and...
1 year ago